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Created for: The Sims 3
This a couple pose pack which consists of a wedding pose, a female couple playful holding back pose and a guy couple holding and gazing into eyes pose.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1291652
ItemID: 1291652
Filesize: 74 KB
These are pose list compatible but the pose list is below:
Girlfriends: a_littlep_valentinesspecial01_fa + a_littlep_valentinesspecial01_fb
Boyfriends:a_littlep_valentinesspecial02_ma + a_littlep_valentinesspecial02_mb
Wedding: a_littlep_couplerequest01_m + a_littlep_couplerequest01_f
Credits: All cc creators who's creations were used in the making of the pictures.
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